Transcription of the Memorial of the East India Company to the Earl of Dartmouth
Last time I introduced the memorial the East India Company submitted to the Earl of Dartmouth, Secretary of State for American Affairs, following the destruction of their tea in Boston Harbor. Today I'd like to offer a transcription of it. Then we can examine what it reveals for us about the Boston Tea Party. A grainy copy of the last two pages of the memorial and invoice. This is from Benjamin Labaree's "Catalyst for Revolution: the Boston Tea Party 1773" (Massachusetts Bicentennial Commission Publication, 1973. It is available here on the Internet Archive.) "Copy of Memorial of the East India Company to the Earl of Dartmouth. Dated Febr'y 16th 1774. In Mr. Michell's letter to Mr. Pownall of 16th Febr'y 1774. To the Right Honorable The Earl of Dartmouth His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for American Affairs. The humble Memorial of the Court of Directors for the Affairs of the United Company of Merchants of England trading to the East I...